Junior Squash Academy:
Level 3

US Squash Rating ≈ 3.0 – 4.0

Players in this group are interested in playing Bronze and Silver level tournaments (Gold if playing U13).

At this level, players understand that effort and concentration in practice will lead to great performance. Players dedicate 2-4 days per week between group practice, play and/or a lesson depending on their level of interest.


  • Maintaining consistent technique while pace and complexity of drills progress

  • Moving and hitting to all four corners

  • Becoming comfortable hitting shots off the back wall

  • Developing a personal playing style

  • Participating in condition games and competitive play

Level 3 Fall Semester Schedule 2025

Junior Membership and full-semester sign-up are required for enrollment. Players must commit to a minimum of 2 days per week on weekdays.

Monday and Wednesday at 5:15pm

Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30pm

Saturday at 1pm


2x per week $3,780

3x per week $5,670

4x per week $7,560

Prices reflect from season start date, we offer prorates for late starters. Please contact us for more informaiton!